In collaboration with

The development of research in Artificial Intelligence, and its wide application to a large variety of fields as an innovation tool, is transforming our society at a very fast pace. However, the potential impacts that AI will have in our models of cities and communities are not fully understood and will have to be unveiled. From this perspective the Research Chair UAB-Cruïlla aims at the boosting of the critical mass of research in AI in the specific field of Music and Arts, from three distinctive perspectives:
- AI-CREATE: The role of AI as a crative tool .
- AI-SUPPORT: The role of AI as a support to the creation process.
- AI-EXPERIENCE: The role of AI in the user experience of music and arts events.
The Chair UAB-Cruïlla will particularly investigate pathways for technology transfer from research in AI to life events industry together with the leading Music Festival in Barcelona: Cruïlla Festival. Large events are understood as ephemeral cities, in which participants -the citizens- are invited to co-create the definition of acceptable AI solutions in terms of business development, ethical dimensions, and sustainability patterns.